Saturday, August 5, 2023

 Dear Isis,

Thank you for answering me Grandmother. It is an honor to connect with you and the wisdom you bring. Right now I am a little awestruck and I thought of a couple more questions, if you don't mind.

Can you tell me anything more about you that relates to Ma’at? When were you most alive?

with sincerity, high priestTess


Dear high priestTess,

You may know, my granddaughter, that I am a Creatrix of civilizations and the world.  I have the responsibility to keep the energies of the universe flowing.  I do this in part using my magical sistrum.  Shaking the sistrum insures the energies of every living thing does not become stagnant.  Shaking the sistrum keeps the energies fresh, flowing and evolving. 

My sister goddesses contribute many of their gifts to this great human civilization.  Maat and her laws provide a harmonious order or container in which these civilization might survive and thrive.  Without her laws and values humanity would be in constant chaos - an evil we cannot abide.  We thank Maat for teaching and perpetuating justice, truth, right action and harmony among humans.  

You ask when was I most alive?  Some might say when I walked among you.  When my children would visit me in my temple, walk with me among the sacred stones or sing with me as we sailed upon the sacred waters.  I was there among you for all to see me, feel my love.  We existed in the same dimension.  

Today things have changed.  The evils of patriarchy has driven knowledge of me from many in your dimension.  Today sadly I only exist for some as myth.  I only live in the mind, in books or papyrus rather than also the heart and on the physical plane.
But remember grand daughter I am here for you even if you no longer see me beside you.  You can always call upon me and I will hear you.

Cordially, Isis

links and voice of Isis provided by Karen Tate, scholar, priestess, and devotee of Isis

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