Sunday, June 4, 2023

Oc and Chuen Learn Why

Chuen took a deep breath. “I am A monkey as you know. This totally freaks me out.  I miss my mommy and my daddy.  And, I really want to know what is going on. I am only nine years old where I come from -  and yet I feel, if you tell me, I can understand. I'd like some explanation if someone wouldn't mind.” 

With that, Chuen held the wand up and looked around. Owl flew over and gently extracted the wand from Chuen's hand.  I will tell you what I can.  We have no people as you know them.  In MesoEarth we are the tribes of all the humans and other living beings on the earth. We communicate telepathically, as I am sure you have noticed. We also use pure sound when the power of it is needed. We use this sound in the act of creating from the void. 

This sound magic is used within the Council of Ben. All of our councils are sacred gatherings. The Ben defines home as Eb meant road. Our roads should all lead to home.  Tell me, Chuen, what did you dream last night?” 

“I dreamed of living in a round structure,' Chuen began once the wand was placed in their hand. Owl stood near. “It was a big hollow round room. In the center was a cave filled with crystals. I lived outside of this cave in the curved space around it. It was beautiful.”

Owl took the wand back. “Chuen, this is your home you are dreaming of -not the home of your parents and sisters. The home of your soul.” 

“Chuen, you have been long absent from any councils of Ben in MesoEarth.  Oc accompanies you in the upper realm, and has also been missing. Now you are both here, though you are not exactly who you used to be. Your are the essence of Chuen, our monkey who became human, and who stayed in the upper realm. This is the monkey planet in a turtle galaxy. As odd as it sounds the monkey has become the face of planet earth. The monkey has lost her memory and no longer remembers MesoEarth nor where earth is in the dance of the celestials.” 

“We, in MesoEarth, are the tribes of earth. Humans and dogs come from our tribes. We are shadows in the minds of humans. Once we all moved together, growing in harmony, becoming, always becoming more sacred, and more alive and more conscious. Something occurred in the upper realm, separating humans from our shared lives together. It is the consciousness of dominance, that has spread like a cancer over thousands of years of seperaton.  

The monkeys left our tribes,  and began living separately in the upper realm, no longer acknowledging the sacredness of interdependent life - they lost touch with all natural rhythms.  As time goes on, the cycles of nature become as  hidden as possible in your lives. Time is prescribed by machines. Acting within one’s personal time is actively discouraged.” 

“Humans are no longer synchronized to planetary energies. It is a miracle you have come here, Chuen and Oc, as far apart as we have become in our realities. And I believe, as for you being nine in the upper realm, anyone older would not be able to hold the reality of MesoEarth. Your people do not allow anyone out of their narrow strictures of realty. Any older, and your mind would have been stripped of its ability to comprehend any of this. You have the flexibility of a mind not yet hardened into only three dimensions. You must have been near a portal for this to occur.”

"Oc, as hard as it may seem, your people need your help here in the MesoEarth. You can not help them by going home to the upper realm. You and Chuen are needed here. We have much work to do between now and the winter solstice. We are in the window of the new moon and summer solstice for the next three days. There is much visioning which must occur if we are to navigate a safe passage through where our spaceship earth is now passing. We Will need a full council if this is to occur. That is why you have come, and why you must stay until we have come full circle to where and when you came. The following days, weeks and months are most critical to the inhabitants of this planet if we are to make it."

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