Monday, September 25, 2023

Preparation for the Underworld

While plugging in her various electronics,
El hit her forehead, and crown 
On the large wooden beam 
supporting her her wall and roof
In the steep A Frame of home.
She slipped into a trance as she collapsed on the nearby futon

And trusted as she placed her hands on pain 

That Universal Life Force Energy 

Would flow through the crack.

She has been gnawing a bone,

Imagining a story she would rather not be true.

There are so many stories
as capitalism and patriarchy collapse into chaos

And the normal order of things fell away.

There are so many stories that are not ideal,

So much El can not control or change.

Nobody is asking her too.

The world wheels out of  her control.

She explores her mind, reluctantly.

The messages arrow into her solar plexus.

Yet she stays aware.

Witnessing the enormity of fast moving change

In a society already exploding at breakneck speed,

Her job as a witness

Is a bitter tonic

Which she must move into right relationship with.

There are stories she doesn’t want, 

And she is moved to understand

The threads  of reality weave a fluid cloth.

The Blades of Truth

Whir as fast as jet engines can blow them.

Owl hoots. “This is a large collapsing system.

This is the season to go into the Underworld.”

“How will you take your winter hibernation”

Kicking and screaming,

Unconscious dreaming?

Or will you cross over with me, 

flying through these interconnected roots 

And networks to the deep lacunas 

Of an Underworld so vast and beautiful

Living in a dimension humans rarely view.

Oh El, there are so many dimensions to witness.”

El was gathering herself.

She was not ready.

She can never be ready

To visit the king of Air in the night world.

She was not sure she would ever be ready 

to follow Owl following Venus into the vast chambers 

In the living Underworld.

Would she make it back?

Last year’s journey almost killed her. 

How can she be ready to again face these forces?

She knew this place meant her no harm,

Neither was it benign.

She has no choice.

She must go.

Owl whispers,

“The season changes,

Whether you wish it or not.

The nights are coming.

She brings her messages.”

“You are more prepared than you were last year.

Last year had to happen.

You had to come into speaking alliance with Grandmother Moon.

You had to shift and with us or die.

You are here, the choice made.

Now we do the work.

You have tomorrow to prepare

And then it is time.”

Whoo, hoo, hooooo, Owl hooted as she lifted into the air.

She trilled as she disappeared.

“Prepare the best you can,” Els mind began.

Then she stirred, felt her tender head.

No lump. She looked in the mirror, checking her pupils.

As she sat reflecting on the work to be done in this coming season.

An equinox, another beginning 

with the sun waning into deep darkness for  the next three months.

The stories were dark too,

Yet she knew this work with the soul of the dark earth would be supported.

There was a council of grandmothers on the other side, she suddenly sensed.

She did not have to journey through this darkness alone.

“Blessed bee,” she whispered.

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